Fuel Injector Cleaner - 12 oz.
Isopropyl System Fuel Dryer &
Anti-freeze - 12 oz.
Super concetrated.
One treatment quickly and safely removes
power-stealing gum and accumulated
Removes moisture from the fuel tank,
deposits in fuel injection system.
preventing freezing and icing of gas lines
Unclogs dirty injectors, dissolves deposits to
and carburetors.
restore lost power, smooths rough idle and
Safe for gasoline and diesel fuel systems.
increases fuel economy.
Keeps the fuel system clean.
Case contains 12 bottles
Case contains 12 bottles
Gas Line Anti-freeze & Fuel Dryer - 12 oz.
Air Brake Anti-Freeze - 32 oz.
Keeps gas lines from freezing and
Provides complete winter protection
carburetors from icing by absorbing water in
for all brake systems.
the fuel system.
Will eliminate and prevent moisture
Prevents stalling and aids starting in cold
accumulation and icing.
Case contains 12 bottles
Case contains 12 bottles
Diesel Fuel Conditioner Plus+
Starting Fluid - 11 oz.
Formulated to improve performance without
Starts engines fast in any weather, even
the use of harmful alcohols or sulfur.
down to -65 Fº.
Cleans fuel tank lines and filters.
Special formulation contains upper engine
Dissolves gum and varnish.
Eliminates excessive smoking.
Use in cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles,
Retards or eliminates rust and corrosion.
marine and construction equipment.
Case contains 12 bottles
Case contains 12 cans
Diesel Fuel Conditioner with Antigel
Windshield De-icer - 11.5 oz.
Excellent winter protection.
Quickly melts ice on windshields and thaws
Adds Lubricity to low sulfur fuel.
frozen locks and doors.
Prevents fuel gelling.
Sprays at sub-zero temperatures. Harmless
OK for Biodiesel.
to auto finishes.
Prevents corrosion.
Also removes ice and frost from headlights
Stabilizes fuel.
for brighter and safer driving.
Treats 125 gallons.
Case contains 12 bottles
Case contains 12 cans
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